Other languages

Need help understanding this website in your language?

We have information in languages other than English to help understand foreign investment in Australia.

Select your desired language below for a translation of this page:

عربي - Arabic [PDF 175KB | DOCX 96KB]

বাংলা - Bengali [PDF 215KB | DOCX 99KB]

简体中文 - Simplified Chinese [PDF 301KB | DOCX 96KB]

繁體中文 - Traditional Chinese [PDF 302KB | DOCX 96KB]

Hrvatski - Croatian [PDF 244KB | DOCX 99KB]

Nederlands - Dutch [PDF 180KB | DOCX 99KB]

Français - French [PDF 214KB | DOCX 99KB]

Deutsch - German [PDF 182KB | DOCX 99KB]

Eλληνικά - Greek [PDF 246KB | DOCX 100KB]

हिंदी - Hindi [PDF 216KB | DOCX 99KB]

Bahasa Indonesia - Indonesian [PDF 200KB | DOCX 99KB]

Italiano - Italian [PDF 175KB | DOCX 98KB]

日本語 - Japanese [PDF 395KB | DOCX 100KB]

한국어 - Korean [PDF 341KB | DOCX 96KB]

македонски - Macedonian [PDF 239KB | DOCX 99KB]

Malti - Maltese [PDF 242KB | DOCX 99KB]

Polski - Polish [PDF 237KB | DOCX 99KB]

Pусский - Russian [PDF 241KB | DOCX 99KB]

Faasamoa - Samoan [PDF 171KB | DOCX 100KB]

Cрпски - Serbian [PDF 249KB | DOCX 99KB]

සිංහල - Sinhalese [PDF 259KB | DOCX 99KB]

Español - Spanish [PDF 177KB | DOCX 99KB]

Tagalog - Tagalog [PDF 176KB | DOCX 99KB]

தமிழ் - Tamil [PDF 291KB | DOCX 100KB]

Türkçe - Turkish [PDF 234KB | DOCX 99KB]

Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese [PDF 255KB | DOCX 99KB]

Translating and interpreting assistance

If you can't find the information in your language, the following links can help you contact the service you need.

  • Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) National

    TIS National of the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) provides interpreters by telephone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can access the service anywhere in Australia for the price of a local call on 13 14 50.

  • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI)

    To find a translator or interpreter who has been certified or recognised by NAATI, you can:

    • consult their online directory
    • call NAATI at 1300 557 470 (Australia only).
  • Yellow pages

    You can find translators and interpreters in the Yellow Pages, by searching "Interpreters" or "Translators".

  • Services Australia – information in other languages

    Services Australia provides translation for many of its online publications, including information:

    • for recent immigrants
    • for part‑time and casual workers
    • subject to social security agreements between Australia and various countries
    • about payments and services.
  • Services Australia interpreting and translation services

    Services Australia provides free interpretation and translation services to help you make a confidential request for payment or services.

  • Department of Home Affairs (DHA)

    DHA has a list of translated resources with advice for new migrants and people seeking a visa.

  • Australian Taxation Office (ATO) – information in other languages

    The ATO provides online publications to help you understand taxation in Australia. Versions are available in Arabic, Assyrian, Auslan, Burmese, Chinese, Croatian, Dari, Dinka, Spanish, Farsi, Greek, Hindu, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian, Somali, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

Australian Taxation Office contacts


Contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) for all enquiries relating to:

  • residential real estate
  • vacancy fee
  • residential fee waiver
  • online services for foreign investors
  • the Register of Foreign Owned Australian Assets (the Register).

  1800 050 377
If phoning from overseas +61 2 6216 1111 and ask to be transferred to 1800 050 377

Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 6:00 pm (AEST) except national public holidays

Treasury foreign investment contacts



  +61 2 6263 3795
Monday to Friday between 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (AEST) except ACT public holidays

Our phone line operating hours may change. If you can’t reach us by phone, kindly send an email to foreigninvestmentenquiries@treasury.gov.au.

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