Commercial land

Last updated

Foreign investors are generally required to notify the Treasurer before acquiring an interest in commercial land, where the value of that investment is above a certain monetary threshold.

Within this guidance note you will find further information on commercial land and the topics below:

  • Definition of commercial land
  • When does a proposed investment in commercial land require a submission?
  • Thresholds for commercial land investments
  • Vacant commercial land
  • Developed commercial land
  • Wind and solar farms
  • Commercial accommodation facilities
  • Exemption certificates for commercial land.

A no objection notification or exemption certificate for vacant commercial land will generally be conditional on the land being put to productive use within a reasonable timeframe.

An exemption certificate for vacant commercial land which will be used for primary production or residential development will generally be conditional on Australian investors being offered an equal opportunity to invest in that land.

Guidance Note 4: Commercial land


A: Definition of commercial land
B: When does a proposed investment in commercial land require approval?
C: Thresholds for commercial land investments
D: Vacant commercial land
E: Developed commercial land
F: Wind and solar farms
G: Commercial accommodation facilities
H: Exemption certificates for commercial land
Further information


Guidance Note 4: Commercial Land [PDF  441 kB]

Guidance Note 4: Commercial Land [DOCX  157 kB]