
Last updated

The Fees Guidance Note has not yet been updated to reflect the indexation of fee amounts that occurred on 1 July 2024. Please refer to the Schedule of Fees for current fee amounts.

On 1 May 2024, the government announced changes to apply lower fees for applications to invest in Build to Rent developments and to refund fees for applications that do not proceed because the investor is unsuccessful in a competitive bid process. Public guidance on these changes will be made available shortly.

You will need to pay a fee when you notify an investment proposal or apply for an exemption certificate.

The fee will generally depend on the value and kind of investment that you propose.

The statutory timeframe of 30 days for making a decision will not start until the correct fee has been paid.

You will also need to pay a fee if:

  • you wish to vary a no objection notification, or exemption certificate
  • the Treasurer calls‑in your investment or you notify the Treasurer of a retrospective action
  • the residential dwelling you own is not occupied or rented out for at least 183 days in a year (annual vacancy fee).

You may give notice of multiple investments that are proposed, or have been made, under the same agreement. The fee payable may be adjusted under the single agreement rule.

There are other circumstances that may result in a fee being adjusted and you should familiarise yourself with these rules. 

All applications for fee waivers or remissions will be considered on a case‑by‑case basis and all decisions are final.

Guidance Note 10: Fees


A: When does a fee apply and how is it paid?
B: How much are the fees
C: Adjusting fees and lower fee rules
D: Fees for exemption certificates
E: Fees for retrospective applications
F: Fees for variations
G: Specific guidance on fees for residential land
H: Determining the ‘kind of action’ taken
I: Internal reorganisations
J: Indexation of fees
K: Fee waivers and remissions
Further information


Guidance Note 10: Fees for Foreign Investment Applications [DOCX  970 kB]

Guidance Note 10: Fees for Foreign Investment Applications [PDF  1.33 MB]

Schedule of Fees for Foreign Investment Applications [DOCX  179 kB]

Schedule of Fees for Foreign Investment Applications [PDF  274 kB]